
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Acoustic Angel.

HOCC 天使藍 @ Taipei Legacy - Acoustic Angel Version.

Originally wanted to write something about style, but this song sums up my emotions for the time being.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beautiful can't last forever.

Took a few photos in the promenade corridor out of my home today, all of them were taken by iPhone.
Hope you'll like it, and comments are of course welcomed :)

Beautiful can't last forever, but could there be an exceptional case?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

smaklig måltid ~ !

smaklig måltid ~ !

It's Swedish and it means "Have a nice meal~!" 

*Foods were in small portion but all of them have great tastes :)

* 西班牙海鮮焗飯 - my favourite~!

* "KOTTBULLAR" Meatballs with "LANGONSYLT" red berry sauce, and it's surprisingly good taste. 

*Foods could be found in IKEA store and you could do it at home! 

*Finally some delicious Japanese Desserts :) 
I would strongly recommend the two cup jellys which are rich in fruits and it's tasty+juicy :)

P.S. 久違了的感覺 

Friday, August 19, 2011

The first blog, but maybe the last entry.

新blog。不過唔知想寫咩。只係上幾個禮拜番 intern 要搵 bloggers 所以想做一個 blogger。


現今社會甚麼都講分享。你入商場要 check-in,你食飯前要映相,你買完野要影相。


不過 "share" 唔係同面書掛勾既,所以我未開個blog share囉。

仲有,做 blogger 分分鐘有錢收架,寫得好同埋有人睇的話。

個 blog 既 background 同呢張相都係我響火車裏面影既,攝於瑞士。